Sunday, March 4, 2012

Flint Unity Movement Welcoming Address

We want to first take this opportunity today to say thank you to everyone that follows this blog. It is our endeavor to remain a beaconing light in our community and continue to hold fast to the principles upon which this great organization was built. The goal of Flint Unity Movement is to inspire and to encourage every resident in the City of Flint to maximize their life. We'll achieve this goal by running programs that place extreme emphasis on Responsibility, Punctuality, Money Management, and Faithfulness. It should be every man’s desire to perfect and enhance their life by paying the most earnest heed to these principles.

Flint Unity Movement’s motto is Give, Learn, Live, and Grow. Give of our time, efforts, and resources to help those that are less fortunate live a better quality of life. Help our youth Learn and develop the essential skills that will help catapult them to next level of their lives. To Live a healthier life by attending our seminars that show how to feed the Mind, Body, and Soul with the things conducive for growth. Lastly, to Grow in appreciation for our environment in every facet.

We understand the magnitude of these goals and except the challenge with much alacrity. In addition, we also understand that doing our best doesn't mean doing it by ourselves. It's going to take the love and support of all of you, other community based organizations, our local ministries, local businesses, the Flint Community School District, the municipalities, and state officials. Flint Unity Movement promises to do all that we can, with all that we have, from the place where we are, with time that we have. It is our belief that if what you're doing doesn't create some form of compensation, whether it is financially, mentally, or spiritually, then it worthless. We will accomplish our goals. We will remain the bottom to your top. And we will continue to Know, Show, Go, and Grow. Thank you again for following the blog, and for your time and consideration. We look forward to sharing with all of you.

May God Bless you, Keep you, and Heaven smile upon you!
Jermaine Brown Flint Unity Movement

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